Struggling with losing weight had been a part of Alyssa Wildschuetz's life for as long as she could remember. After years of trying every trick in the book to lose weight, she remembered how a doctor who had recommended gastric sleeve surgery. She took a chance,  and now after losing 184 pounds, Alyssa reflects on how grateful she is to have this second chance in life. 

In this Q&A, she talks openly about how life for her is after the surgery, advice for people considering the surgery and the relief she has felt from doing the surgery. 

What made you decide to pursue weight loss surgery?  

Three years before my surgery, a previous doctor had mentioned bariatric surgery to me as an option for getting healthy. At the time, there was still this huge negative stigma regarding weight loss surgery, so I immediately said no without another thought. Then after years of trying (and not succeeding) to get healthy and lose weight, I finally started to consider the fact that surgery might be the best option for me. A few of my colleagues and friends had recently undergone the gastric sleeve procedure and were absolutely thriving and loving life. They were the healthiest they had ever been, and that helped me realize that I had made weight loss surgery this negative thing in my mind, when in reality, it was a life changing and amazing option for weight loss. That's when I finally decided to really look into it. I made my first consultation visit with Dr. Patton, and I immediately knew that this was the path I needed to take. And so, on Oct. 4, 2022, Dr. Kristin Patton performed the gastric sleeve on me and helped me change my life in the best way possible. 

How much weight have you lost and what has the timeframe been? As of today, I have lost a total of 184lbs.  

I'm literally less than half of the person I was when I decided to have the gastric sleeve surgery in late 2022. 

How has weight loss affected you, your family, your work, etc.?  

The gastric sleeve surgery freed me. I no longer feel restricted by my weight and my lack of physical ability. I no longer feel the daily, intense, chronic knee pain I was feeling prior to the surgery. I'm now able to keep up with my family and enjoy experiences with them that I wouldn't have been able to before getting the gastric sleeve. At work, I'm able to keep up with the daily demands of being on my feet for a good portion of the day. Honestly, I could go on and on, but the bottom line is this: I feel more confident and more like myself than I have in the last 15 years. 

What about the weight loss program here was most helpful/beneficial to you?  

The support system that Saline Memorial and Dr. Patton's office offer is top tier. Throughout this entire process, I have never felt like I was going through anything alone. For every step of this journey, Dr. Patton's office has offered a variety of resources and tips to ensure these lifestyle changes are permanent. For instance, the binder they gave me before the surgery was extremely beneficial, especially in those early days just after the surgery when I had a lot of questions about what to do. I also found the visit with the dieticians very informative and helpful. 

Were there things that you weren’t able to do before that you are able to do now? If so, what are these things?  

Prior to the surgery, I would try to work out and end up hurting myself. My body just couldn't keep up with the physical demands of working out and because of that, I really hated it. Now, I work out (weights, cardio, HIIT, etc.) 4-5 times a week and I genuinely love it and look forward to it. Also, before the surgery, I was dealing with some very intense osteoarthritis in my knee from a past injury. The pain was so bad that it really limited what I could do from day to day. When I expressed this to Dr. Patton, she told me that for every pound I lose, that's 4 pounds of pressure off of your knees. That alone has made so many things (many of them small, mundane things) so much easier for me. I can walk up the stairs now, I can run now, I can sit on the floor comfortably, and I sleep better. I can shop for clothes in the store as opposed to just online since I now wear clothes that aren't plus size. 

What would you say to someone considering weight loss surgery? Do it. Don't overthink it. Don't let the fear of the what ifs deter you. Don't let your negative stigma of bariatric surgery keep you from doing it. Just do it. You won't regret it.  

What would you want to say to the weight loss team here? Words can't adequately express how thankful I am for Dr. Patton and her team. You guys have truly saved my life. You've freed me from the confines of being overweight and unhealthy. You've given me a new lease on life, and you've given me a second chance...and for that I will be forever thankful. 

Is there anything else that you would like to add? My only regret is that I didn't do this sooner.