You've decided to lose the weight, but which method is right for you? Surgical or non-surgical? We'll find out by discussing your goals and unique obstacles and by screening your health.
After your consultations and health screenings, we will help you keep your commitment to yourself and to the weight loss solution you've chosen.
You did it! You made the choice and committed to it. But that's not where it ends. We're here before, during and after the weight loss, providing support and tools you need to stay dedicated to your new way of life.
Excess weight not only harms your health, but your quality of life and the way you feel about yourself. Our weight loss clinic is at the forefront of providing metabolic surgery for fighting the diseases of diabetes and obesity. Add years to your life with a healthier body so you can create more enjoyable memories with family and friends.
Our weight loss program is designed to fit each person’s unique needs and has helped patients regain their health. Our team includes a bariatric surgeon, nurse practitioner, nurses, dietitians, a psychologist and insurance coordinators. With follow-up care from our team and support from others on the same path, clients can change their lifestyles and navigate the transition to a healthy weight and a better life. We combine the latest in expertise and technique with exceptional support. Surgical options include the following procedures:
Commonly referred to as the Gastric Sleeve
This is the most common type of bariatric surgery at our facility. Gastric sleeve surgery is a restrictive type of procedure that permanently reduces the size of the stomach, thereby limiting food intake as well as the sensation of hunger. The smaller stomach size restricts the amount of food that can be eaten, so patients lose weight by eating fewer calories. This procedure also impacts the production of ghrelin.
Commonly referred to as the Gastric Bypass
During this type of procedure, part of the stomach is separated from the rest of the stomach and closed off with staples to create a smaller pouch, resulting in less calorie absorption. Patients also have a greater sense of satisfaction with less food. The surgery helps increase peptide YY, which can impact appetite.
SADI-S Surgery (Single anastomosis duodenal–ileal bypass with sleeve gastrectomy) combines the restrictive power of a sleeve gastrectomy with the malabsorptive power of the gastric bypass, all while preserving the valve at the bottom of the stomach to help maintain long-term weight loss. The SADI-S can be done as a single surgery or as a two surgery procedure dependent on a patient’s individual needs and weight loss goals. Patients who have already had a gastric sleeve can also enjoy the added benefit of having it revised into a SADI-S.
SADI-S removes less of the intestine than other types of bariatric surgery, increasing the amount of nutrients your body will be able to absorb.
The Saline Weight Loss Center now offers the most advanced minimally invasive technique for weight loss surgery revision – Bariatric Overstitch Procedure. If you have regained significant weight after gastric bypass, you may be a candidate for a new endoscopic procedure called Overstitch that offers lowered risk of infection, limited post-operative pain, no visible scars and faster recovery times.
With new endoscopic devices that work with a standard endoscope, surgeons can reduce the volume of an enlarged pouch and the diameter of the outlet to their original post-operative proportions.
Arkansas Bariatric Institute surgeries are performed at Saline Memorial Hospital.